Immigration Reform? Tell the White House What You Want

immigration reform, comprehensive immigration reformRecord your question about immigration reform via Skype on Bing ASAP.  The questions are to be answered by Vice President Biden and the President's Domestic Policy Advisor, Cecelia Munoz Wednesday.  

The  White House put up a site last week giving people the opportunity to Skype questions about immigration law and immigration reform that will then be viewed and addressed by Vice President and the President's Domestic Policy Advisor on Wednesday. So far there are only a couple questions posted.  It is very important that we get the word out about this and have the pro-immigration community post lots of questions so that the White House knows that immigration should be one of their top priorities.

More about the Bing/Skype video Q&A from the Whitehouse website...

Ask Vice President Biden and Cecilia Muñoz Your Questions About Immigration Reform


Our nation's immigration system is broken – and fixing it is an economic, national security, and moral imperative. That’s why President Obama is deeply committed to working to pass a common sense, comprehensive set of reforms that ensures everyone plays by the same rules. And we want to answer your questions about the issue.

On Wednesday, December 11th, Vice President Biden and Cecilia Muñoz, the President’s Domestic Policy Advisor, are sitting down to answer your questions about immigration reform. During the conversation hosted by Bing and Skype, the Vice President and Cecilia will speak with folks from around the country via live Skype Video Call, answer questions submitted through Skype Video and from social media.

What are your questions about immigration reform? Ask a question by Skype Video Message now and join the conversation on Twitter with #AskTheWhiteHouse, then be sure to tune in live on Wednesday, December 11th at 3:45 p.m. ET at  and

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