Appreciating the Economic and Social Benefits of Immigration

Read A. Gardner's perspectives on Philippe Legrain's book, Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them. 

"In his book, Philippe Legrain tries to explain the benefits that may be expected from permitting a wider door to global migration. He reminds us of the cost that is borne today by those trying to have their second chance. Hundreds of would-be new arrivals to the United States and the European Union never get that chance because they die in the desert or in the waters off southern Europe as they attempt to get through the border patrols determined to keep them out. A vast black market in human beings feeds corruption, abuse, and violence as the poor and the oppressed try to make it to nations with greater freedom and economic opportunity."

Gardner goes on to say that Legrain's main point is "not to tug on our heartstrings by pointing to the tragedy and suffering of modern illegal immigrants-though he wishes us not to forget this human cost. Instead, he wants us to appreciate the economic and social benefits from taking advantage of what new people can offer to the developed and more prosperous nations of the world."

Click here to read more.

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