When Immigration Matters

Immigration Documentary | The Senators' Bargain

Posted by Michael Pollak on Mar 23, 2010 10:50:00 PM

The Senators' Bargain debuts Wednesday at 8:00PM on HBO2.  The documentary is part of a series exploring "How Democracy Works Now" through the issue of immigration policy and follows the late Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and the Bush-era bipartisan push for immigration reform. 

Bonus:  As part of the premiere, there will be discussions via Twitter (http://twitter.com/hdwn), and liveblogging online from participants in the film at http://www.howdemocracyworksnow.com/senatorsbargainliveFilmmakers

Click here for an interview with Filmmakers Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini answering questions about what inspired the film.

Tags: HBO, Immigration, Immigration Law, immigration reform, Ted Kennedy

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