Arizona Immigration Battle | Katie Couric | Video

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Katie Couric talks to experts on both sides of the Arizona immigration law (SB 1070) that has ignited a firestorm of controversy as well as a federal lawsuit.  She is joined by Christina Rodriguez, a Law Professor at NYU;  Doris Meissner, a Senior Fellow at Migration Policy Institute and a former INS Commissioner; and Dan Stein, President of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). 

The guests share their contrasting perspectives on the following topics:

  • What Should be or Can be Done to Control Illegal Immigration in the United States?
  • Arizona Law Defined
  • Racial Profiling
  • Why Do So Many Break the Law?
  • Are Illegal Immigrants Taking American Jobs? 

Katie Couric

Good dialogue to help formulate an opinion on a highly controversial subject.

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