The Brookings Institution releases report: Immigration and High-Impact, High-Tech Entrepreneurship by David M. Hart and Zoltan J. Acs.
The study shows that immigrant entrepreneurs play a critical role in founding high-impact, high-tech companies – that serve as drivers for long-term economic growth. The United States continues to attract the world's brightest, most innovative and motivated risk-takers.
About 77 percent are U.S. citizens, who are well-educated and have substantial professional experience. The evidence does not rule out the possibility that the immigrant entrepreneurs “crowd out” comparable natives, but teh authors are incline toward the view that immigrants and natives complement one another. Three policy options are discusses that might expand the pool of potential high-impact, high-tech immigrant entrepreneurs over the long-term: clearing the green card backlog, easing the pathway from student visa to work visa to green card, and creating a “point system” for a limited number of unsponsored green card applicants.
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