Following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the country has faced growing concerns about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and a rising death toll that has now surpassed 10,000.
In the midst of this crisis, the Department of Homeland Security has addressed options for Japanese nationals who are in the United States. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced this week that it will temporarily halt removals of Japanese nationals. Additionally, USCIS has issued information regarding the immigration options and applications available to assist Japanese nationals to extend their stay in the United States. Some options available will depend on how an individual last entered the U.S., as well as their current status, and may include extensions of nonimmigrant status, parole, and expedited processing of family petitions, employment authorization and other applications. We want to alert you to information on the options available for Japanese nationals in the United States available through the Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), our partners, and other advocates.