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Anti-Immigrant Ordinance Ruled Unconstitutional

Anti-Immigrant Ordinance Ruled Unconstitutional

DALLAS, TX – Today, MALDEF, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Texas (ACLU) and the National ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project succeeded in invalidating Ordinance 2952,...

Happy Thanksgiving: An Immigrant's Perspective

Happy Thanksgiving: An Immigrant's Perspective

Dear Friends, Thanksgiving is the time of year when we are reminded of all the things we are grateful for. This year, I am looking forward to my husband's parents ' Thanksgiving di...

Immigration & Entrepreneurialism Impact Fortune 500

Immigration & Entrepreneurialism Impact Fortune 500

Did you know that 41% of the Fortune 500 companies were founded by either an immigrant or the child of an immigrant and that the 2010 Fortune 500 companies generated revenues equiv...