BREAKING NEWS: DHS to Offer Deferred Action to Eligible DREAMers

Have you heard the HUGE news???


TODAY, President Obama is finally granting DREAMers relief from deportation.  DREAM Act youth ages 15-30 will be able to apply for protection from deportation and work permits, which will grant DREAMers a way to contribute to the country they call home.  This is a HUGE milestone for DREAMers, who have been fighting for years for the chance to lead successful and prosperous lives here in America.

President Obama will be making this announcement at 1:15 PM EST today.  It’s going to be livestreamed here: <

History is being made -- be sure to tune in! 

Preliminary information indicates that eligible applicants must:

  • Be 15-30 years old, and have entered before age 16
  • Have been present in the U.S. for 5 years as of June 15, 2012
  • Have maintained continuous residence
  • Have not been convicted of one serious crime or multiple minor crimes
  • Be currently enrolled in high school, graduated or have a GED, or have enlisted in the military 

The deferred action offer will be available to those in proceedings as well as to those who apply affirmatively.

We will provide further details today. 

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