
When Immigration Matters

Graham - Border Security Key to Solving Immigration Problem

Graham - Border Security Key to Solving Immigration Problem

Is South Carolina about to pull an Arizona? Illegal immigration has become a hot topic around the nation and there's even discussion that South Carolina may pass a similar law to A...

Immigration Reform Will Be

Immigration Reform Will Be "Heavy Lift" Says Senator Graham

Senator Graham says that Washington is losing the publics trust and the Republican Party is losing its sense of duty regarding immigration reform. However, he stated that he will c...

Immigration Reform Marchers Receive Message From President Obama

Immigration Reform Marchers Receive Message From President Obama

President Obama commends the Immigration Marchers for standing up and making their voices heard. "Real change doesn't start in the White House or the the Halls of Congress. It star...

Immigration Reform Next?

Immigration Reform Next?

Now that Health Care Reform has passed the Congress, is Immigration Reform next?

DMN Editorial: Wait-and-see is not an immigration strategy

DMN Editorial: Wait-and-see is not an immigration strategy

Interesting take below from the Dallas Morning News Editorial on immigration reform.

Immigration Reform Rally Expected to Draw Thousands in Washington

Immigration Reform Rally Expected to Draw Thousands in Washington

The CNN Wire reports that thousands of people are expected to pour into Washington for a Sunday rally demanding immigration reform, launching the first public battle over the issue...

Immigration Reform Framework Drafted By Senators

Immigration Reform Framework Drafted By Senators

Immigration reform has become a hot topic again. Recently President Obama invited leaders from both parties to meet with him to discuss solutions to this important issue. The resul...

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Pollak PLLC provides clients with full-service professional legal services to help you obtain a legal solution to your immigration visa needs.

Our firm focuses on providing personalized legal representation paired with timely communication for stellar results.

Contact us at (954) 250-8335 today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.


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Contact us today to speak with our Managing Attorney Karen-Lee Pollak and our experienced immigration support team.


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