Genia Brin Sounds Off: Immigration Vital to US Economy

The Google founder's mom says we need a flow of fresh talent from overseas.  She makes her case that both immigrants and immigration have fueled the growth of the US economy since our beginning.  While she concedes that Sergey's success is an anomoly, she does substantiate her argument with stats from the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity demonstrating that both male and female immigrants are starting businesses at a significantly higher rate than the native population.

She also makes an interesting point about the immigrant workers' affect on native workers' ability to obtain jobs and living wages.  According to the Immigration Policy Center, immigrants mostly complement - rather than compete with - native workers because of their unique education and skill sets, as well as the interdependency of their jobs. This is because immigrants are strongly concentrated in jobs that demand either extremely high skills or very few skills, filling employment needs unmet by native workers at each end of the employment spectrum.

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Immigration Question

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