Only Two Days Left to Apply for 2011 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2011)

Hurry!  Only two days remain to enter the 2011 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2011). The entry submission deadline for DV-2011 is 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 30, 2009. The entry form (electronic) will only be available for submission through this timeframe. Entries will not be accepted through the U.S. Postal Service.

Please note that natives of many countries are not eligible for this visa program:  "For DV-2011, natives of the following countries are NOT eligible to apply because the countries sent a total of more than 50,000 immigrants to the United States in the previous five years:  BRAZIL, CANADA, CHINA (mainland-born), COLOMBIA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, ECUADOR, EL SALVADOR, GUATEMALA, HAITI, INDIA, JAMAICA, MEXICO, PAKISTAN, PERU, PHILIPPINES, POLAND, SOUTH KOREA, UNITED KINGDOM (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, and VIETNAM.  Persons born in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan are eligible..."

So, before wasting your time, make sure to check out the eligibility and other requirements to qualify for DV 2011. For detailed information and instructions, please visit the official U.S. Department of State website:

U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery
U.S. Department of State Diversity Visa DV-2011 Instructions

Good Luck!!!

Immigration Question

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