The Department of Labor announced the availability of approximately $240 million in funds for an H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants program. This grant program is designed to provide education, training, and job placement assistance in the occupations and industries for which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers, and the related activities necessary to support such training. The Department will make awards to two types of training grants: at least $150 million will be awarded to grantees that provide On-the-Job Training (OJT) to all participants and the remainder will be awarded to those that use other training strategies.
Between the two types of grants awarded, DOL intends to fund at least $45 million to applicants proposing to provide training for occupations in the health care industry and at least $60 million to applicants that serve long-term unemployed individuals. Partnerships must include at least two entities from among the following groups: (1) businesses or business-related nonprofit organizations, such as trade associations; (2) education and training providers, including community colleges and other community-based organizations; and (3) entities involved in administering the workforce investment system established under Title I of the WIA, and economic development agencies. Grant awards will be made only to the extent that funds are available.