Don't Miss Fareed Zakaria's "Global Lessons: The GPS Roadmap for Making Immigration Work"

fareed zakariaFareed Zakaria looks at how the immigration systems work - and don't work - in Japan, Europe, Canada and the U.S. in a prime-time special: "Global Lessons: The GPS Roadmap for Making Immigration Work" on CNN at 8 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 10

Few topics are more provocative than immigration. In this special, Fareed looks around the world for insightful immigration policies in Japan, Europe, and Canada – and explores what the United States can learn from each.

While America is an immigrant society, many other countries have learned our tricks and bettered them.

Fareed notes, "that Canada has more foreign-born nationals than we do? And Australia has more immigrants than we do? Those societies have become, in 10 or 15 years, genuinely pluralistic, diverse immigrant societies. And here's the kicker: They have figured out a way to do immigration right, where they take smart, hardworking, talented people whom their economy needs."

Sunday's special, examines these lessons with immigration political thought leaders – New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I-NY), and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R-KS).

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