
When Immigration Matters


The "Following To Join" Petition-May Be the Solution to Expedite a Family Member's Case

What is a "Following to Join" Immigrant Petition?

Form I-485: Your Lifeline to Permanent Residency

Form I-485: Your Lifeline to Permanent Residency

The Form I-485, known as the Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, is essential for individuals already in the United States in some other lawful status, wh...

A Journey to American Citizenship: Maria's Story

A Journey to American Citizenship: Maria's Story

Chapter 1: The Dream Maria stood on the deck of the ferry, her eyes fixed on the Statue of Liberty. This was her first view of America, the land of opportunities where she hoped to...

Navigating the Journey of a Marriage Based Green Card

Navigating the Journey of a Marriage Based Green Card

At Pollak PLLC, we are proud to support individuals and families on their journey through the complex world of immigration law. Today, we want to share a heartwarming success story...

Uniting Borders: The Path to a Marriage-Based Green Card in the U.S.

Uniting Borders: The Path to a Marriage-Based Green Card in the U.S.

Marriage connects not just two individuals but often bridges the gap between different countries. In the United States, marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident open...

Uniting Borders: The Path to a Marriage-Based Green Card in the U.S.

Uniting Borders: The Path to a Marriage-Based Green Card in the U.S.

Marriage connects not just two individuals but often bridges the gap between different countries. In the United States, marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident open...

USCIS Extends Green Card Renewal Validity Period

USCIS Extends Green Card Renewal Validity Period

At one time, lawful permanent residents worried about their green cards expiring while they waited for U.S. citizenship. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services addresse...

How Can H-2A and H-2B Workers Get Green Cards?

How Can H-2A and H-2B Workers Get Green Cards?

Many employment-based visas allow a path for temporary visa holders to become lawful permanent residents by obtaining a green card. Even though H-2A and H-2B visas are temporary in...

LCR & Pollak PLLC Zoom Recording | Gaining US Permanent Residence

LCR & Pollak PLLC Zoom Recording | Gaining US Permanent Residence

To recap, Karen-Lee Pollak, discussed various ways of gaining permanent residency in the US, including the investor visa (EB-5). Carel van der Merwe, Director at LCR Capital Partne...

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Working Together To Serve Your Needs

Contact Our Experienced Dallas and Fort Lauderdale* Immigration Legal Team, Today

Pollak PLLC provides clients with full-service professional legal services to help you obtain a legal solution to your immigration visa needs.

Our firm focuses on providing personalized legal representation paired with timely communication for stellar results.

Contact us at (954) 250-8335 today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.


Take the First Step, Explore Your Options

Contact us today to speak with our Managing Attorney Karen-Lee Pollak and our experienced immigration support team.


Fort Lauderdale