Immigration Reform Marchers Receive Message From President Obama

President Obama commends the Immigration Marchers for standing up and making their voices heard.  "Real change doesn't start in the White House or the the Halls of Congress.  It starts with people like you in communities all across this country." 

The President remembered the late Senator Ted Kennedy and his commitment to this cause.  "This march would make Ted Kennedy proud.  Teddy's commitment to the cause never waivered and neither has mine.  I've always pledged to be your partner as we work to fix our broken immigration system and that's a commitment that I reaffirm today."

He also commended Senators Schumer and Graham for their leadership and proposed framework that "includes common sense, effective strategies to protect our borders and enforce the law while offering a path to citizenship for hardworking people who register, pay taxes, pay a fine, and agree to play by the rules."

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Courtesy of Ammerican Immigration Lawyers Association (Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 13020747 (posted Feb. 13, 2013))